Help, which golf simulator should I get?

I am looking for a golf simulator mainly to play courses with my friends during the winter months. I originally was looking at the Trackman IO, but I am concerned it might be overkill. Is the Flightscope Mevo plus a good option? Would you recommend a better unit for playing different course?

1.The unit will be installed in an unfishable basement with plenty of space l. The ceiling height without a hitting mat is 9'7".

2.For ease of use, I would prefer to connect everything through a phone or tablet. This includes the projector. If this isn't possible, I do not mind buying a computer to run everything.

  1. I want to use this mainly to play online courses and to use it for a indoor driving range. I do not plan to use the unit outdoors.

4 I don't mind paying for a good golf simulator. I don't want to have to sticker my clubs or for there to be a lag in the shot to the screen.

Thanks for your recommendations and help