Ron of Purification unlock tried list

So no one has unlocked the rond of purification yet in valhalla so I though may e have a single post with all the ways people have attempted so make life a little easier. Feel free to add more

ALSO I have seen comments of things mentioned in other posts. The only bit of advise I can think of is try to think of something obscure or unlikely. If it can be done with relative ease then I most likely has been (no offence to anyone who may think they had a great idea)

Complete run without any runes (destroy the one you get at the start)

Bare handed

Disabled all skills before a run

Same as above but with no runes

Complete run as young kratos

Complete all available encounters (at gold in the Greek area)

Have an enemy be inflicted with all elemental damage (done using the spear that changes element with each throw on Týr at the end)

Show me mastery with burden activated (gets you rond of obliteration)

Edit: Claimed all labors available at once

Tried to have all glyphs be the same as the weapon you have chosen for the run but not able to fill the glyph table. Maybe possible but I have not been able so far.

Speed run it (did it in about 20 minutes)

These are all I have tried but feel free to add more in the comments.