Holly Jealous of Kendra

I know Holly claims much of the drama on the show is manufactured, but the animosity between these two is apparent. And Holly can't stop trashing Kendra in every interview. I didn't read Hollys book, but someone shared the excerpts about Kendra here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextLevel/comments/133g9t0/hollys_book_comments_about_kendra/

I only started watching Girls Next Door and learning more about these people last year. But Holly just seems like such a bitter and jealous person with a victim complex.

It bothers me how some people claim Kendra "swung first"

I don't think this is true. Holly (and her minion Bridget) were instantly jealous and threatened by Kendra since day ONE.

Kendra had some pent up animosity from being abused and bullied by Holly for years. Holly was like the sad older women trying to push out the new, fresh pretty girl in the house

She didn’t view Bridget as a threat because Bridget was old (and looked it), not very attractive, and lacked a vivacious personality

Holly envied Kendra’s youth and beauty. But I also think she envied Kendra’s confidence and carefree atttitude. Holly had to get tons of cosmetic procedures and spend hours getting ready to look presentable. While Kendra just rolled out of bed and was shining (both looks and personality)

Hef constantly put-down and degraded Holly. And Holly felt she’d endured years of humiliation and “hard work” to win-over Hef. But then teenage Kendra just shows up, all shiny and bubbly and getting lots of attention from Hef. Holly became a jealous, territorial green monster

And Holly and Bridget admit to bullying out other girls. Holly was just a nasty person who always plays victim (when she’s the perpetrator) and destroys any potential threats or competition. It’s pathetic. And the way she treated and wrote about Kendra is disgusting. So it’s sad that people call Kendra a bully for finally punching back.

Holly knew about Kendra's background and personal problems, and instead of showing empathy. She continued to ridule Kendra's intelligence and trashy upbringing.

Also, Google Hollys high school yearbook photo. She was a chubby mousy, unattractive nerd in school. And I’m sure she HATED the naturally pretty and vivacious girls like Kendra. Because Kendra was always a beautiful girl. And Holly needed a ton of surgeries and makeup to still look less beautiful than Kendra. Holly also retained her bitty nasty attitude from her nerd years too