Could ADHD be the human brain adapting to modern tech, the internet, and social media in some cases?
We all know that ADHD diagnoses are skyrocketing and I’m just thinking about my own experience here (gen z) I grew up on computers, websites, online games, news websites, social media, iPads, iPhones, iPods, etc. and it definitely affected me. Did it give me ADHD? I don’t know and I actually don’t think it did in my case (I was showing symptoms very early) but, with all the diagnoses now, do you think our brains are evolving and adapting to the age of the internet by basically becoming ADHD? It’s a disorder, I know, but it does have its niche advantages! Specifically with modern technology I’ve noticed. I saw a study recently, I don’t have the source on hand, but it found that those with ADHD were able to forage for berries better than those without it, in a simulated test. Could people’s brains be diverging into that “neurological type” because of our technology these days? Just a genuine question guys so please be respectful.