Using resin only every other day has greatly reduced my burnout and maintained the fun of the game

Unless you need a full break, I recommend the “every other day” resin schedule. Works like this:

Light day - Start session with 200 resin. Buy 5 condensed resin. This immediately fulfills the daily commission (three condensed resin or more does it). Talk to Katheryne for the bonus reward. Check teapot for realm currency. Then work on a quest, explore, TCG, log off or whatever. The rule is do not touch the resin.

Heavy day - Ideally, start session with 200 resin and 5 condensed resin. Pick ONE character or project to work on. 400 resin focused on one project feels much better than 200 spread around. Any character will see significant gains in one day unless simply maxing artifacts. After burning through 400 resin, explore for needed materials. After that, whatever one feels like, but logging off is always a good choice.

Rinse and repeat.

Obviously, tailor the schedule for specific day materials. Use “half-day” of using 200 resin to stagger the schedule. It takes 26h40m to regain 200 resin, so some days will be lighter to reset. Use 180 resin for exactly 24 hours regeneration.

Nothing groundbreaking here, but it has helped me avoid the depressing daily grind.

Good luck!