What do I choose?

Here are the characters i already own and the weapons (4 and 5 star) i already have

What do you recommend I get from the remembrance of jade and stone event... One of the characters

Baizhu (Dendro), Shenhe (Cryo), Ganyu (Cryo), Xiao (Anemo), and Tartaglia (Hydro), or one oft he weapons; Pri­mor­di­al Jade Cut­ter (Sword), Sum­mit Shap­er (Sword), The Un­forged (Claymore), Ca­lam­i­ty Quell­er (Polearm), Jade­fall's Splen­dor (Catalyst), Mem­o­ry of Dust (Catalyst), and Po­lar Star (Bow), Lith­ic Blade (Claymore) and Lith­ic Spear (Polearm)

Also should I try Arlecchino C1???/Is clorinde worth it??? Or should I wait for the next update with image 4 and 5 being on banner...