managed to 36 star the abyss LET'S GOOOOOOO
I did it in 2 runs
first run was for 12-1 second run was for 12-2 & 12-3
For first run I went with
First half - Arlecchino C1R0 , Bennett C6 , Sucrose C0 , Xingqiu C4
Second Half - Mualani C0R0 , Furina C0, Pyro Traveler C5, Xiangling C6
Second run I went with
First half - Arlecchino C1R0 , Bennett C6 , Sucrose C0 , Kaeya C1
Second half - Mualani C0R0 , FurinaC0 , Xiangling C6 , Chasca C0
for the second run in 12-2 & 12-3 I barely got the 3 stars for both with less than 5 seconds left before I had to reset the fight to get 3 star