What's your comfort game, and why?
What game do you always enjoy going back to when nothing else interests you? For me, it's the original RE4. The Remake is great and I think makes some genuine improvements or interesting changes, and is great in it's own right, but for some reason I have a preference for the original. I like the campy, cheesy action movie dialogue and Leon's personality and design. I honestly like the older, more arcadey(if that's the right term) gameplay and combat more. I prefer some of the older level design as opposed to the new. I like the non destructible knife, and Leon's ability to stun a guy and kick a whole group of them down. It feels like you have more control over Leon and are essentially an almost superhuman government agent mowing down dudes and looting their stuff. I like that the sniper is less wobbly and more precise so you can sit on the cliffside and pop heads from a distance and send guys falling to their deaths off the ramshackle structures and bridges, or blow up a whole oncoming horde by shooting a red barrel. It's extremely fun, and it's not as dated as people believe it to be once you get back into the loop. That's what I look for in a comfort game is the ability to pick it up, play it, and not think too much about it and just have a really fun time.