I9 or I7 for the Dell G16

Hi guys I was looking to buy this laptop, https://www.dell.com/en-au/shop/cty/pdp/spd/g-series-16-7630-laptop/gn76302h3dk001smau?tfcid=10471797&gacd=9685010-13056-5761040-272307481-0&dgc=ST&&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9Mc7eKFkeWmzd7oTwkuJDwF1Al5vI_B6bqg3RfZyePxy3K1gie8HkgaAjWJEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds, the Dell G16.

Thing is I’m not sure if I should go with the i7 13650 HX or the i9 13900HX, money is not an issue the problem is I’ve heard that the i9 might not actually help with performance since it is a 4060 GPU and that the i7 is a better move, someone please advise me.