If Another Company Responded This Way, Steve Would Destroy Them

All I came to say is if Newegg or NZXT responded the way Steve has, he would rightfully have torn them to pieces.

I think it is unfair to their audience to see GN both throw out new, unsubstantiated allegations of impropriety (the alleged comment that Steve is "not as autistic as he used to be"), while failing to address even a single one of the more serious allegations:

  • The seemingly-intentional lack of context on the Honey video
  • The failure to ask companies for a response prior to posting a video and the alleged violation of journalistic ethics norms
  • The misrepresentation, resulting directly from the above concern, of the Billet Labs issue, which was the most damning part of GN's original report

These issues would not have happened had GN held themselves to the same standards they expect of other media companies.
As Steve is both the leader of the company—and the one issuing a public statement—I want to see Steve personally hold himself and his company to the same standard he expects of others and actually address these issues.

I like what GN has done for us consumers (the Newegg exposé, for example, was an incredible service to the community) and want to continue supporting them, but these were all both fair and very serious allegations that GN has completely ignored, and that's unacceptable.

Edit: Edited the post to reflect u/techm00's fair criticism that my original post implied a wide range of unsubstantiated allegations, when I was in fact referring to a single case.
Edit 2: I slightly reworded my points to be less accusatory (some people have responded to the earlier version and were justifiably annoyed, don't hold it against them). I am honestly not trying to cause more anger between communities; I am upset because I think the best of GN and the team, and think the tech community deserves a thorough response regarding these alleged failures in reporting from probably the most important journalistic team in tech. I have been on the internet long enough to know better, shame on me.