[21+/USA/PC] - Looking for 21+ CHILL & NICE long-term/serious gaming friends! [GTA RP, Roblox, Fortnite, LOL, etc.] 💗

Hey hey! 👋💗

LONG POST INCOMINGGGGG! Sorry, I type too fast and end up typing way too much all the time! lol

I wanted to try posting on here again for a gaming buddy. I pretty much play alone 99.9% of the time, and while 5-8 years ago you could easily make friends gaming, nowadays people seem so shutoff in-game or passionately against making new friends in-game on most games. Or they add you just so you can sit on a list of 4583478374598 other “friends” they play with once and never speak to again.

I’m really looking for a real friend and a long-term gaming buddy that doesn’t vanish after a couple days of playing together! Someone to game with a bunch, not just one time and then never again. In the nicest way possible, I’m asking that if you know you’re the type who just adds people to a never ending friends lists and then never plays with them again – please skip me. I’m hoping for a solid gaming buddy friend or two that sticks around, has similar free time as me to game, is chill/nice/non-toxic in-game, and isn't some non-stop bragging rager type of gamer Q.Q. Idc about your KDA or rank, and it's no fun if games make you toxic and rage ya know?

So I work Sun-Wen, 9am to 8pm, HOWEVER, since I work from home I can typically game during the day, and my evenings are usually filled with gaming if I’m not helping mod on Twitch. I’m on the East Coast, however since I stay up way too late, gaming with someone from the West Coast would be totally fine too!


I play a lot of games at the moment: League, Roblox, Fortnite, Valorant, GW2, GTA, Lockdown Protocol, etc.

However, I’m really hoping to find someone that’s into GTA Online (especially GTA RP via FiveM), Roblox, and Fortnite.  Playing these games alone is particularly depressing after a while lol, and while I can have fun solo, it would be nice to have a friend or two to group with frequently!

Also, while I have never done GTA RP before, I’m really really wanting to get into it. I’m super shy when it comes to live RPing, but there’s this whitelisted GTA RP community I really want to apply for, but I’d like to try GTA RP on a free/open RP server first, to see if I can get over my shyness enough to do it.

I think doing this with another person would make it sooooo much easier and enjoyable!


As my title says, I’m looking for adults. I might type and use emojis like a 13yo, but I’m not. I’m a lot older than that and I’d want to become friends with someone who isn’t an underage teenager or something as that wouldn’t really work friendwise. Sorry ☹

If interested, drop your Discord below or send me a DM on Reddit with your Discord! 💗💗



I think it’s important for me to say that while I talk a lot in a 1x1 or 1x1x1 setting, I will go silent in large groups of ppl who all know each other and are like super loud. I do better with just one other person or 1-2 other people. I don’t mind being invited to large groups, but due to my shyness I’ll likely go quiet if I’m being invited to play with you and 4 or 5 other people right off the bat. It would be easier to get to know you first before grouping with several people – if that makes sense.

Or better yet you could be a loner with like 0-2 friends total, like me! LOL