Is it time to say goodbye to eToro?
Hi there my fellow apes. Inspired by recent Fidelity fuckery and the DRS movement that it has reignited, one thing came to mind for all of us euroapes, or whereverapes stuck with eToro and not being able to DRS. I beleive many of us kind of took this for granted and thinking ah nevermind, everyone else will DRS so I dont have to, Ill just stick with eToro and wait for others to trigger the Moass for me. Well, who knows how many of us thinks like this, and who the f. knows is there 100s, 1000s, 10000s, or even 100000s of shares still sitting on eToro and being lend to shorters every single day. So my question to you my wrinkled brained apes is: Since we cant move our shares from eToro to CS, and we also know we dont sell shit before generational wealth numbers. But in our case, should we, despite all, just sell our GME shares we got on eToro, and move that money on a broker who has the option to DRS. I am smoothie and Im wondering would we fuckup something by doing this, or would it affect the moass in any way etc etc. Adults please come and give me your opinion.