Why RK buy deep GME ITM calls

Realized why RK likely buys deep ITM calls on GME. Im sure it's multiple reasons, but I did realize a pretty BIG new reason, new to me.

Obvious benefits -less volatile -more leverage than shares -all purchases hit lit market -data is public

my new reasoning why -Very FEW people sell deep ITM calls, especially on GME because the likely hood of being exercised is nearly 100%

So Who sells the deep ITM? THE MARKET MAKER

If no one is selling those calls the MM has to step in and sell the call AND buy shares to hedge the option.

There ARE people that sell near the money and out of the money.

Buying deep ITM has a lot less private sellers IMO so there is a high likelyhood of immediate upward price action due to MM delta hedging. A private person selling a call with their shares has NO need to buy shares, they have them already.