So.... Am I the only one that remembers how adamant DFV was that we don't fight with each other? I mean he literally says NO F**KING FIGHTING SEVERAL TIMES!

if you believe in DRS that's awesome! Register your shares! If you trust your broker, then keep them there! Do you like and agree with RCEO? That's GREAT! if you don't like or agree with him guess what? That's ok too! Do you believe and trust any or all of the massive DD library we have at our disposal? If you do or don't, guess what? It's your right to feel that way! Wanna sell? Go for it! Wanna hold til the moon? There are plenty of us that will hold with you until we see phone numbers!

My point is we are all INDIVIDUALS, we all have our own views and goals. These views and goals will not align with every other individual investor. And guess what? That's perfectly acceptable! I have noticed a lot of fighting amongst our communities and it's not OK!

we are all in this together, and the ones short are trapped in here with us, don't let them sew discord among us! STOP F**KING FIGHTING!!! We all make our own decisions, none of this is financial advice, but let's try and remember what the cat said. I feel like we would collectively get a lot more accomplished if we worked together.

GameStop to the moon!

I love all you regards!

Thank you for reading my rant!