Comedown rage? G aggression?
My partner has been exhibiting rage after dosing G, always around the comedown/point of wear off. While influenced, he's chill and fine. But when it starts to wear down a little maybe 1.5 hrs later he gets easily agitated and aggressive.
It's almost like booze rage - this is perplexing me though, because it's gaba effects? It makes me so calm and sleepy and chill!? Maybe he's experiencing some weird glutamate rebound happening? Any ideas what could be going on with his brain chemistry for this to become such a common theme now with his ghb dosing? I won't tolerate the aggression anymore but can't help but wonder what the fuck is going on with this pattern.
I'ts absolutely ruined any fun we had together with it. Now I just anticipate a hellish horrible aftermath for a cheap 2 hours of fun. He's dosing around 1.5
Important to note: he also takes HEAVY amounts of phenibut daily (also gaba mimetic) like 1-2 tsp full 1-2x/day and I'm starting to worry about what he is doing to his gaba receptors. Maybe this combined with G is having some sinister compounding neurotransmitter burnout effect?
Input appreciated thanks
(Yes I've hid the G from him )