Has anyone else started to see the trend of the woke crowd has started claiming things are woke when clearly they are not.
Not to long ago I saw someone on the left leaning side claim elden ring is woke. And there's more so stuff like Baldurs Gate 3 which I know for a fact most of the anti woke crowd wouldn't ever see as falling into the woke category.
My best guess is they are running out of good examples that are successful woke games. So they are claiming games that the majority of players know are not woke. They are probably doing this as a desperate attempt keep their movement alive.
To clarify what I'm seeing as what gamergate sees as woke is.
If the political messaging is in the game to benefit and elevates the game then its not woke. Such as metal gear solid, cyberpunk, final fantasy 16 ... ect.
If the political messaging is forced into the game and there to push a political agenda onto the player and diminishes the overall experience, then its woke. Be that race swapping, gender swapping, lgbt hardcore political messaging, de-masculinisation, de-feminisation, pro radicalisation, ect...
Also ... We do not advocate for the steam woke curating list ( that only has 3000 members, most of them members are probably subscribed because of the absurdity ) and is most likely made by someone on the far left.
Anyway just found the whole thing really funny. What do you guys think.