Possible bug to test!!
So been running car tycoon a few times a day cause it’s still like old reliable..so when I do it I hit the box and I do it till xp stops..flip switch,and repeat till it stops,leave!! We all know this..ran it about 4 times today…here’s the thing..recently..I have been running it and it stops around 35-40k xp the first time,then about 40-50k the second..this last time I ran it and the second time I hit the box and it keeps going..not stopping at all,I’m up to 140k and still risingon second hit of box and something new…it’s saying I’m getting playtime xp as well..anyone else?? Hope it does the same for everyone else..at the end of writing this in at 243k and still rising..hope this helps!!! Got a rubber band on controller now haha