Wabi Lightning review
Well my Wabi Lightning just arrived so I thought I'd throw a post up here as it was actually from this sub that I found Wabi.
First off I wanted to say the people at Wabi are amazing, kind, tentative folks who I was beyond impressed with- even if the bike was junk, I'd probably still love it just based on the customer experience.
It came 95% built, I just had to put the F.wheel on and the seat and bars, took me less than 15 minutes.
Everyone has seen a Wabi box before, nevertheless...
It is very, very light. You expect it to be light, and then you lift it, and it's sorta strange how light it is. I actually took it over to the bike shop to double-check the tyre pressure and the dude was like.. huh, wtf is this?
So yeah, as you'd expect, the bike is really fast, I was somewhat worried that because it's so light it wouldn't feel planted, but it does, the ride quality is just so pleasant. Honestly, my fuji feather sorta feels uncomfortable and cumbersome to ride now. I know there is a lot of almost comical fandom around this brand (don't get my wrong Zach Gallardo is cool) - but now that I own one, I totally understand it.
All in all, I cannot recommend it enough. Happy to answer any questions.