People need to be less cynical about filmmaking
I understand the benefit of hard truths and all that, but calm it down a little. Filmmaking, I’m sorry to break this to you, doesn’t have to be that torturous or difficult of a task. Now, success is a different beast all together, but I don’t think the majority of community members can separate the act of filmmaking with the wish of being successful.
You can technically make a movie with an iPhone and your awkward brother. Is it ideal? No, but you can. So why when someone asks if it’s possible to make a film with $8,000 bucks do you guys act like he’s a mad man?
Not everyone on here is trying to secure a meeting with Universal Studios, so back off a little and stop projecting your cynicism on them. Because while a lot of us can take a hit or two, some of these filmmakers are just starting out and your false negativity could be the reason they give up without ever trying.