(Mod Post) Defining triggering vs non-triggering vents
Triggering vents include:
Political (people on any end of the political spectrum is allowed here. If you’ve been wronged in your relationship or crushing by someone of a certain affiliation, be aware someone of that group may be here and may not be wanting to see their group under flak)
LGBT related issues (some people are extremely defensive over these groups, but this sub addresses the simple fact that all people are capable of being rude. If you feel you’ve been disrespected by a space that was supposed to tolerate your identity, that’s allowed, just let people sensitive about that know it might not be what they want to see)
Dupes (Some people may love the same character as you, and they can get hurt if you express discomfort of people sharing with you. Just be mindful of that so if someone may feel wounded by it, they know not to click and read)
Self harm (Please please please be aware if you do express intent to hurt yourself, you will be messaged and flagged for needing help. It is understood things are hard, sometimes life is too much, and sometimes you can’t help but wanna scream it out. Doing this isn’t necessarily prohibited but be aware you can’t stop people from being worried for you)
- Pretty much everything else.