Are these symptoms part of fibromyalgia? I am looking for a bit support

I just got the diagnosis a few weeks ago and I find it hard to let it sink in.

I still often think: Is this really it? Do I really have the ‘right’ symptoms?

So, I guess what I am looking for is a bit more acknowledgment or advice on how to deal with the doubts and fear of this being forever.

For example, my days look like this:

Day 1:

• Not rested, feeling stiff.
• Trying to get some mundane tasks done to eventually do some work.
• Too tired to work.
• Feeling like I need a nap.
• Not being able to sleep.
• Random pains in my chest.
• A few hours later, my legs feel ‘electric’ with vague pain, not really bad, but as if I am sore after exercising.
• Little burst of energy.
• Wanting to lay down again, headache, and feeling ‘stuck in my body’.
• Random pain in my hand or arm.

Day 2:

• Snoozing and snoozing, and getting up after 12 hours of sleep (sometimes more).
• Feeling kind of okay, so starting to vacuum clean.
• Pretty intense back pain, feeling like I can’t bend to get something off the floor – or well, I can, but like an old lady.
• Trying to work but intense fatigue in my head, like my brain shuts down.
• Taking a nap.
• Trying to do more but random pains distract me: my knees and arms.
• Deciding to go to bed, then suddenly my left foot starts aching for no clear reason.


• Intensely sensitive to cold/warmth. I especially like warmth, so I turn up all heaters. Then, when I come back from taking the trash out, my house feels so warm that I panic and open all the doors and windows, like it’s overwhelming. After that, I go back to feeling extremely cold. I keep changing the temperature or putting on extra clothes, but it seems I can never find the right temperature.
• My fingertips turn completely white (with a yellow tone as I have this undertone) when they get just a little colder. So, when cycling or doing groceries, it happens very often. They also feel numb.
• Almost constantly having issues with my stomach and intestines. I’m either feeling nauseous, very often bloated, sometimes constipated, and sometimes (sorry for TMI) I have to go to the toilet 3 to 4 times a day. Not like diarrhea, but like it’s too hard to just go one time. It’s little bits here and there.

Hope to get some clarity or support with this. Thank you.