Plans for AM after the break

So for those of us who didn’t use the assistant manager chip and used the triple captain instead but still have all the other chips, what is your plan for using them? Is it worth to wait for doubles confirmation (after GW30 probably) and wildcard at GW31 and leave AM chip later in the season? Since it will lock you for 3 weeks and if you used it at GW32 then you can’t FH at the possible blank in GW34.

1st option: Wildcard at GW31 —> BB at GW33 or GW32 —> FT at GW34 —> AM at GW 35-37 or 36-38

Better knowledge of doubles and blanks but probably won’t get a double week for AM chip

2nd option: Wildcard at GW30 —> AM at GW31-33 (Glasner especially if he gets a double at GW33 and the bonus) —> FH at GW34 — BB at GW36 or any other week remaining

Maximize points with AM especially if you can land 2 doubles but you won’t have confirmed knowledge of the doubles and blanks weeks