Should I read Mark Lawrence’s work?

As someone who read Mark Lawrence’s Book of the Ancestor trilogy but hated his Broken Empire series, is his other work worth the read?

I’m a big fantasy reader, and when I read BotA, I thought I might find a really great contender for a new favorite author, jumped into Broken Empire and hated it. The mixture of the dark fantasy, nonsensical timelines, and straight up evil protagonist just didn’t do it for me. (Sorry to those who love the book, to each their own). Before I spend my book budget on his other series, I’m hoping someone can give me their take on Red Queens War/Book that didn’t burn/girl and the stars.

Thanks for reading!

Edit: thanks for all the replies, I’m so glad to hear your opinions on an author that never comes up on r/books! I think I’ll end up giving his other books a shot. For the fans of PoT that showed up, I feel like I should contextualize my dislike of the book by saying I had terrible morning sickness while reading it and that may have contributed to the lingering “ick” I feel about the series. I also have the morning sickness ick for Tad Williams Last King of Osten Ard, so I’m patiently (ish) waiting for it to wear off before I read the last two books. I’ll try to keep replying to people as I can, but I do have two kids under two at home so my Reddit time is spotty. If you took the time to read and reply, thanks and happy trails in your current reading adventure 😁