What Are Your 2024 DNFs?

What are some series that you DNFed in 2024 and why?

I know it can be hard for some people, but let’s try to be respectful of opposing opinions are word things appropriately. Here are my DNFs, all of which are completely subjective and based solely on my own likes/dislikes.

Wandering Inn - Ryoka is so unbelievably unbearable that she single-handedly made me want to stop…

Malazan - I personally like to have context when reading a story. (I don’t need to know everything, but without knowing at least some things, I have no reason to connect with the plot or characters) If you love being dropped in than this would definitely be the story for you.

Suneater - I’m not sure what it is, but something about the prose in this book just did not work for me. I liked the premise enough, but it was written in way that just made an interesting idea slow and boring to me.

Witcher - I made it most of the way through this one. The last two books have such weird POV shifts when telling the story, and the whole thing feels so unfocused and random. (Might be the bad English translation)

Mistborn/Stormlight - I just don’t like over explained magic systems personally. They kill the pacing for me, and read like nerd homework more than a story. (I also like mystery, wonder, and ambiguity, which is taken away by the over explaining)

Red Rising - I don’t like dystopian stories, and I’m not big on how little subtlety is in this book. The good guys give “Braveheart speeches” all the time and the bad guys are twirling their mustaches… I can see why people would love it for its action and fast pace though.

Black Company - This one just has too detached of a writing style for me. Huge events are often glossed over, and random moments focused on. I get that is the whole idea, but it just doesn’t work for me personally.