Which character/s in fantasy are the most good AND powerful?
I’ve thought about this for a while. Fantasy has a lot of evil characters who are also immensely powerful. Sometimes unknowably so. Think of Lovecraftian monsters like Cthulhu or Judge Holden from Blood Meridian (obviously that’s not fantasy though but he’s a good example of what I’m talking about). Malevolent beings who possess god-like or supra-realistic powers.
Are there characters in fantasy who would be a worthy adversary to such villains? Characters who are immensely good (kind, benevolent etc.) but who also have unimaginable/unknowable power?
My first thought goes to Gandalf I suppose. I’m not a Tolkien expert but I believe he’s something of an otherworldly power.
The other one that I’ve heard of is Tom Bombadil. Again I don’t know a huge amount about him but it seems like he’s also strangely powerful and benevolent. I’ve heard he’s completely immune to the temptation of the ring.
I’d be interested to hear other suggestions if they exist?