1984: Oceania is an isolated hermit-state a la North Korea

This theory is from quite an older topic compared to others on this board, but it's still interesting. POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD

My theory is that in the classic book/movie 1984, Oceania is not a world-spanning superstate like it is described, but is simply a delusional dictatorship controlling the former United Kingdom and nothing else. Some evidence for this:

-Winston never sees any real proof of Oceania's existence outside Airstrip One.

-"The Book", which assures the existence of the 3 superstates, was written by the Ministry of Truth, therefore it's unreliable.

-The photo of Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford in New York could've easily been forged.

-It is stated somewhere (I can't remember where) that the rocket bombs falling on London are fired by the Party itself and not Eurasia.

-Given what O'Brien said about plastic surgeons being able to transform someone, the "war prisoners" could've easily been political prisoners transformed into "Mongoloids" by plastic surgeons.

-It would explain why wartime losses can easily turn into victories.

-It simply makes a lot more sense than 3 superstates dominating the world (remember Occam's Razor).

-It would explain why there are no Americans, Brazilians, South Africans, or really any non-Brits seen during the book (if Oceania really is that big. you'd expect to see Oceanians from other countries.

Please, all thoughts and comments are accepted.