I think fanfiction is both overhated and overrated

Former fanfic writer here, currently working my way up to becoming an original writer. Recently I've noticed this weird push for fanfiction writing, to the point people have been really overstating how "important" fanfiction is. And frankly, I think they're exaggerating it.

We all have to start somewhere when we aspire to be writers, and this is a great door to writing. However, fanfiction is fanfiction, nothing more but nothing less, but people feel the need to stretch the definition of "fanfiction" to feel validated (I've seen someone say LotR is fanfiction, ugh), and I think that's a disservice to writers everywhere, regardless of what they're writing. I know that the Percy Jackson stories I wrote were just that, fanfiction. Complimenting my writing is enough and validating, and I don't need to hold a standard and wave it around to proclaim to the usual fanfic haters that "hey, this is REAL writing! On the level of Shakespeare!" like some people have been doing. And I think that's meant to be a counterargument for the usual vocal group of fanfic haters?

But there's no need for that. They're still going to hate fanfiction regardless of what you do or write, and that's okay; no need to give them attention. We write fanfics to show our love for the original stories that inspired us so much, and that's enough of a valid reason for fanfiction as a whole, so why do some people think that's not enough? It honestly feels like a backhanded compliment; my fanfic isn't enough, and needs to be elevated to be considered a "valid" form of writing? Get your head out of the clouds. On top of that, I think people who do that have shame of themselves for being fanfic writers, which is kind of sad, and probably means they shouldn't be writing fanfiction if it bothers them so much.