You ever read a fic, thinking "holy moly this is good" and then realised it's yours?

I've been in small fandoms more than once. I really liked this movie, and the fandom was small, and the ship even smaller. I decided to just write something, without putting too much effort in, because at the time, I was struggling with writing, and just wanted something out.

I got 3 chapters in and then orphaned it.

A year in two later, I looked at the ship again, scrolling through the fics, most are which are in a language that isn't English, and would be completely changed when translated. I came across one, looked at the tags and was like "Yeah, I'll read it even though it's not complete."

It took me all three chapters to realise it was MY work. That I wrote. Which was horrible.

Has that happened to you and if so, what was your reaction?