Ex's income went up. He wants a modification to lower support
His job doesn't offer insurance and he makes waaaay too much to qualify for any assistance. His income actually went up 3 months ago, I think adding $10,000 to his income.
Our daughter had Medicaid up until the end of October, due to my income. I had to add her to my insurance, which brought up what he has to pay me when she lost medicaid. On top of child support, he is responsible for half of medical. Of course, since she no longer has Medicaid, he also has to pay other medical costs besides the premium.
This is in a court order which was signed by a judge like last year.
For example, she went to urgent care twice in November (oh, gotta love illness season) and saw an allergist to test for allergies. Confirmed shellfish allergy. Even with insurance, we owed $360 or something like that for the allergist visit. Plus the copays for the urgent care, it brought the total he has to pay me to $202 (half of the costs).
I happily sent him receipts, a page showing her insurance premium payment cost, and even my paystubs to show that it's being taken out of my pay.
He's not happy about the additional costs, but it's not like we can get out of it. We have a toddler and they're infamous for needing constant medical care.
The health insurance plan is a low deductible plan, like super low (family deductible is $2,000 for 3 people; $5,000 out of pocket max). So I just told him that it'll pay off, because she sees quite a few specialists. She sees a dermatologist, a feeding therapist, and her regular doctor. Regular doctor is recommending speech therapy too. She was really premature and a NICU baby, and is playing catch up on a lot of stuff.
I get it, it's hard that he has to pay $100 a month more for her premium, and then still pay me half of stuff that goes to the deductible. But I don't qualify for Medicaid anymore, so idk what he wants me to do.
He says he is going to take me to court because it's not fair he has to pay child support and also the medical costs on top of that.
The child support is $450, plus the $100 for her premium. So $550 plus half of anything that insurance doesn't cover.
What's wild too, is that on paper we have 60-40, but I really have her 70-30 always (which I can easily prove). Plus the fact that his income went up. Like is he really going to drag me to court when it won't benefit him at all? I don't get it.
Is there a chance he will get out of paying it?