Upper back/neck pain
I’m headed into month three since being diagnosed. So far, the main pattern/trigger I’ve noticed is that in the 2-5 days leading up to the first day of my period is when symptoms act up. Apparently this is quite common. On the one hand, predictable! On the other hand, is this the rest of my life?! Every. Single. Month?
A common symptom that I never associated with FND is upper back/neck pain - right between my traps. It comes on out of nowhere and is like the muscles all just seize, and then comes the nerve pain… and then an increase in that muscle seizing. My chiropractor and the therapist I go to for dry needling said they’ve never seen something like it and it’s almost like my body is fighting something, due to the visible inflammation and how much my muscles “fight” against treatment.
Is this truly a symptom of FND… or is this just another thing I can add to the laundry list of unexplainable symptoms I’ve experienced throughout my life. I am at the point where I can’t even touch my chest with my chin it is so painful. It goes away… typically 2 or 3 days after my period starts. And while treatment helps, it just makes me want to crawl in a ball and sleep the day away.
Any recommendations or thoughts are appreciated.