The FIRE thought process - My $0.02
I have been thinking a lot about it lately. Why FIRE at all? Perhaps, one of the reasons being, you can make money down the line, your investments might go lucky, you may land a great job tomorrow. But the time that has gone by will never come back. Plus, if you are working your ass off, the deterioration in your health may not be fixable.
We know this about ourselves, but it is very hard to explain this to our loved ones, especially our parents. They have seen a stagnant India of the 1980s where they might have walked 1 KM to save 2 Rs. To them, FIRE means loss of opportunity to build more financial security.
But then, spending quantity time with our kids is equally important. And spending quantity time for ourselves, for our health and taking a risk of letting money make money is also important.
Let's not overdo things. We are blessed to be born in a poor country, where you actually don't need a lot of money to live a comfortable life.