We can own the float

Based on all the posts I've seen in the last few days, it looks like on average people seem to be holding about 5-10k shares (the median is probably ~ 3k but there are some big holders here that skew the average to the higher end, which is awesome).

I personally hold 3k right now but planning to add another 2k over the next week.

Anyway, there's 50k members on this sub and if we own 5k shares on average, we're already looking at 250 million shares. I know not everyone here is on our side so even if we assume 50% of them are, we already own 125 million shares. Now, I haven't seen what the actual float is but based on the total outstanding shares being 450m ish, and pre-dilution ratio between float and outstanding was about 50%, I'd imagine the float is about 225m. (Please write in the comments if you know the actual float somehow, I haven't found a way to find it)..

If the 25k people hodling here can buy 4k shares more on average, we will own the entire float. Once we own the float and we hodl, the shorts will have to buy it back at a price we set and that is $100 at minimum. Hope y'all don't sell for 2x or 3x gains, good things come for those who wait.

The other thing in our favor is that the CEO is on our side and hopefully other insiders are too. That's literally the only way hedgies can get out of this but given the stock has lost 99% of it's value since conception, I imagine insiders won't want to sell until we see at least 20-25x from here, if not more.

To the retail bears: Consider the upside here, you can make 0.58 per share. Now consider the downside, even if we go to $5, you risk losing 9x the potential max profit. Knowing this, is this a trade that you want to be in?

To HFs and shorty whales: The longer you guys keep your shorts open, the better it is for us because we will be accumulating while we wait. Tick tock..

Obviously none of this is financial advice, it's just ape math but I suppose I'll say it anyway. Not financial advice.