This battle is more mental than you think.
When I get drunk I do not give a shit about my floaters. NOT A SHIT. I am sitting here on my laptop using my floaters and my eyes aren't bugging me whatsoever. What does this mean? A lot of us, young people, under 30, do not actually have VDM. VDM is VISION DEGRADING MESODESOPSIA. VDM is categorized as eye floaters that limit the patients contrast sensitivity. For most of us, our contrast senisitivity is not affected whatsoever. In my case, I have many floaters but most notably an annoying strand that sits in the middle of my vision and annoys me and makes me sad. It does not cover %80 of my field of vision like some of the sufferers with true VDM. It is an annoyance. It makes me sad. It makes me hyperfixate on how my eyes are feeling and constantly paranoid they are unhealthy and will develop more floaters. I'm drunk right now and staring at a whtie wall. Do I see them? sure. Are they less bothersome? Yes. Could I live my entire life with this vision I have as of this writing? YES! I wouldn't care. But tomorrow I wake up sober and I care again. I am sad again. I feel my eye doesn't feel quite right and my floaters are more pronounced. I do not have the answers but I know that this battle, for those in my situation where it's more a mental torment than a visual degradement, it is largely mental. My floaters are real. Your floaters are real. But ask yourself this: before the floaters, was it something else? Were you happy? Or were you suffering from something else? I was. I feel my entire adult life could be surmised by "If only this one thing went away, I'd be happy!" guess what? I wouldn't be.
Enough of my rambling. I love and wish you all find peace. In the meantime, I will continue to cope with whatever I can.