Did you regret not waiting for marriage?

I've been really struggling with this topic recently. I'm a year and some odd months into my deconstruction currently. I do still believe partially, but it's extremely messy. I'm unsure what I think these days, but I started seeing a girl a few months ago. She's not religious, and we've started to become more physically intimate as of late. We're both in our mid twenties, but I haven't had sex or anything yet. She grew up religious, but hasn't been since childhood, and has been active since high school.
We've talked about this, and she has been very sweet about it all, and is fine to wait until I'm ready.
We messed around for the first time recently. I thought I would feel evil during, or after, but I have yet to feel any negativity surrounding it. I really am unsure what to make of this, as any kind of sex before marriage has always been made out to be the worst of the worst sins.
I was very strong in my faith until my deconstruction began, and always assumed I would wait for my wife.
Over time, it has become more that I'll just wait to be in love- but I can't shake the feeling that I will really regret not waiting?
Right before my deconstruction began, at a high point in my faith, I had a very impactful dream about meeting my wife(saw a girl who I immediately understood to be her, and then saw a calendar with a date), and it's always been a very big part of my life growing up that I would one day meet "my other half" essentially. I've really been wrestling with if the dream actually has any significance or not.
I'm worried that one day I'll suddenly snap back into believing in Christianity fully(though I really am not sure how that would be possible with what I know now), and then my dream will come to pass, and I will have regrets about the decisions I made during my time of uncertainty.
There is no rush of course for any of it, but it still is on my mind often.

Do you regret not waiting for marriage to have sex?
Has anyone in here had dreams of meeting their spouse that came to pass?
Any tips for navigating purity culture post belief?