Someone tell me what this means

Just received this from my ex girlfriend, broke up 18 months ago and she recently split with her partner and can’t stop reaching out lol, someone tell me what this means cryo

Yeah that must be really confusing I’m sorry. I’ll be honest, I just know that when I’m out, that you’re probably out too so mostly I use Snapchat to find out if you are out. And I think sometimes I just want to see you. Not in a way that I like you again like I used to. And honestly I don’t know why and I don’t want to confuse you more than I already have. But yeah I kinda just want to see you even if it’s just saying hi or a smile and wave. I’m sorry for adding ur friends, I never mean to annoy you or make u mad, I’m just trying to joke around, but I completely understand that it is annoying so I’m really sorry I’ll stop. I’m sorry for being so confusing but that’s literally it I guess. I understand that u probably just want me to leave you alone, so you can enjoy ur night with your friends, so I’ll stop. I’m sorry, I know it’s kinda stupid but I hope this at leasts explains something for you

so basically when I’m out, I just know that there’s are good chance u are too and I kinda wanna run into u, hence the snap chatting to sus out where u are