Relationship with coworker
Hello everyone. So I dated a coworker for three months, but she recently broke up with me after finding out that everyone at work knew about us because I shared an ig story and did not hid my story from one person that spread the story around. A few weeks ago we had learned of people suspecting about our relationship and my ex thought it would be better to breakup because she did not want either of us to get fired, but a few days after the break she regretted it and told me she wanted to continue our thing. Especially because in the company we are able to date coworkers on a different department and I requested to change departments to avoid issues. But now that she learned about the IG story, she got extremely overwhelmed and told me it was better to be far apart and blocked me everywhere except WhatsApp. WhatsApp is where we contact each other the most. Should I try to fix this or move on? I’m conflicted because I feel we could’ve fix this if we had communicated after we learned this news. I have not contacted her in 5 days and she hasn’t either, when I tried talking to her she wasn’t listening because she felt she would get fired if she continued our relationship although we both know that me moving to a different department would fix everything.