Ex came back, but not to get back with me…
Long story short my ex girlfriend broke up with me mid last year. Lost feelings, lost attraction apparently I hurt her. Me being dumped, heart broken blah blah blah, took me months to go no contact with her and then she had another relationship and I did. Was mean to me, hated me; talked bad about my name and annoyed me when I was out with friends.
I thought I was over her, it had been 12 months of peace and then I see my ex has requested to follow me on instagram. One thing leads to another and all of a sudden we are talking on Snapchat, in each others private stories and flirting like old times. She asked me to come clubbing with her and said no bc she was drunk. And then a few days later I ask why are you reaching out, what do you actually want to her reply “I wanted to be civil and see if you had changed.” “After talking with you now I think it would be best with stop talking again as I don’t want to lead you on or hurt you or be hurt again.” And now I feel heart broken all again, I removed her on everything and feel back to step 1. She is freshly single and was obviously just checking in to see how I was going.
My dumbass on Saturday was drunk and re-added her on everything, which she added back on everything and now I have regret from adding her and being in this dynamic.
This is your sign, that an ex reaching out isn’t always a good thing. I wish she never sent that instagram request as I felt like it put my healing back to step 0 and now idk what to do, I don’t want her to reach out again and obviously her motives are weird.
Always stay no contact guys, it’s for the best.
(20M,(she’s 21F)