Maybe talk me out of an idea

6 months NC… and Christmas time is kicking my ass I can’t lie. This entire month been sticking thinking about her. I’ve been going to therapy and all during this 6 month time.

One of our first dates was we painted together, I painted the letter of her name. Unfortunately this has been stuck with me since the breakup. I can’t bring myself to just toss it.

I thought about taking it to a rage room. Thought about burning it. But I don’t have it in me to destroy something I created for someone I loved.

What are the thoughts on leaving it at her doorstep as a late closure/xmas gift?

I know it sounds awful - but I want to leave this heartache in 2023. we ended on good terms - no nasty fights or fallouts. It was just an avoidant finally speaking about their emotions (her) and blindsiding me.

I only thought this idea as I haven’t spoken to her since the BU and handing over of her things. Heartache hurts…