Back after many years. Cannot mine in High sec without being ganked.
I get the sense that I'll not get much sympathy considering what I'm starting to understand is a widespread distain for high sec miners, but I just need some guidance or feedback or something because I'm sort of at a loss.
I made my character in 2008, I have played the game for VERY short periods of time every so often, usually like 1-3 months at a time and then I just lose interest for years. Overall I probably have about 8 months or even less of actual active sub time, and I've never really gotten that deep into things. Last time I played I worked my way up to a retriever but lost interest again and quit. Last night I reactivated again cause I had the urge to mine some space rocks. Idk why I just like the mining loop and relaxing and throwing on some TV while I mine space rocks.
Since I reactivated last night I have been suicide ganked twice, capsule killed one of those times. I have managed to fill my cargohold mining a single time in high sec. The first time the guy was pretty cool about it, he gave me some advice on fit and gave me some isk and sent me on my way. The second guy was really shitty about it. Just told me I should know about "The Code" since my character is so old. I told him I barely ever play and I have no clue what he's talking about. He links me This: . Ok... I get the idea, sort of. I'm down to try to be a good sport about things but like... I genuinely have no clue what I'm supposed to do.
I like chilling and mining. That's what I want to do. Is that just not something I can do in this game at all anymore? I'm assuming this is just the norm now is people suicide killing miners in high sec because they have endless resources so they can do it over and over with no issues. So what do I do? How do I avoid this? Or do I just quit and not bother trying to play again? If someone can give me some advice as what kind of ship to fit or where to go where I can mine relatively safely, I'd really appreciate it.