Do NOT kill a PMC at the Lighthouse/bridge during Lightkeeper quests!!!!
So, I got shot at from the bridge leading to the Lighthouse and I returned fire killing the PMC. I went to loot him (because I had the radio transmitter flashed and ready to avoid the sniper fire and claymores). I immediately got sniped. I was a bit confused, because I definitely had the item in my Special Slot, to allow me to cross the bridge.
What I later learned, is that killing a PMC or Zryachiy changes your quest state and sends you down this over-the-top, ridiculously punishing quest chain:
Essentially, what you have to do, among other things, is find 4 SVDS rifles in raid, plant a bunch of stuff, hand over 1million Roubles, and kill 25 Raiders on Reserve!!!!!!
Then, and only then, can you go back to the beginning of the Lighthouse Keeper quest state and continue.
Some of the quests are fine, but honestly, finding 4 SVDS in raid, and especially killing 25 Raiders on Reserve is going to be so time consuming. In hind sight, I think I was baited by a player that already knew this punishment, but I felt it worthy to share so others don't make the same mistake I did.