Imogen Poots as Angela?

In my opinion, Imogen Poots (35) would be an amazing Angela for the Eragon TV Series! I know a lot of us (myself included) may have pictured Angela as looking older when reading the books, but in the “The Fork, The Witch, And The Worm”, Eragon describes Angela as “not looking any older than her early twenties” (page 90). Obviously, Poots is older than early 20s, but I would argue she looks quite young for her age. Furthermore, I recently saw an old interview of her on Craig Ferguson’s late night television show, and she has that iconic Angela laugh down so well! If you have another suggestion for Angela, comment it below! Also, below I have a link to a photo of Poots with that iconic Angela curly hair, I really see the character in this photo of her!


In my opinion, Imogen Poots (35) would be an amazing Angela for the Eragon TV Series! I know a lot of us (myself included) may have pictured Angela as looking older when reading the books, but in the “The Fork, The Witch, And The Worm”, Eragon describes Angela as “not looking any older than her early twenties” (page 90). Obviously, Poots is older than early 20s, but I would argue she looks quite young for her age. Furthermore, I recently saw an old interview of her on Craig Ferguson’s late night television show, and she has that iconic Angela laugh down so well! If you have another suggestion for Angela, comment it below! Also, below I have a link to a photo of Poots with that iconic Angela curly hair, I really see the character in this photo of her!
