Idiopathic seizures in 10week old

Hey all! Looking for support, advice, what have you.

We have an 11 week old dogo argentino pup- he’s been absolutely amazing and perfect for our family. A week ago after a big outside play day (fist 60 degree day in shitty perpetual grey winter) he had a few focal facial seizures, and they escalated over the course of the evening to full seizure activity, 3 over the course of the night. After a shitty emergency vet visit and then going to the actual animal hospital, they were able to get the seizures under control and he stabilized well and came home 36 hours later. Neurologist doesn’t think it’s anything structural or congenital, since we had no other issues prior to this. Tox screens came back negative, we are still waiting on one result. Most likely will be diagnosed with idiopathic seizures, but I can’t help wondering if he got dehydrated that day and just couldn’t recover. Pup came home on 16 mg pheno x2 day, and has actually responded really well and is more or less himself now.

He just feels so young to be diagnosed with a seizure disorder. Anyone out there with a similar story/positive outcome?