I'm an addict being refused certain medication
As much as I don't enjoy divulging this information, I'm an opiate addict and also was when I recieved the diagnosis. I was given Brivaracetam, Lamotrigine, and folic acid right away. Within the 5 years of being diagnosed I've had 52 seizures, all tonic clonic. I experience no warning, go completely unconscious, and won't stop seizing for quite some time. I've been told to only call 911 if I experience 2 seizures in a day and to deal with the others on my own. After the seizure I am apparently hysterical and uncontrollable for about 45 minutes. Then I regain consciousness while vomitting and crying for hours on end.
On the occasions when I am taken to the hospital, the paramedics always ask my boyfriend (we live together and he's my caretaker) where are her post-eptil medications that calm her down? And when he tells them I've never been prescribed any they're always surprised. When I get to the hospital all they do is sedate me and wait until I wake up to discharge me.
Because I'm an addict, my neuro refuses to give me what I need to stop the unbearable experiences that take such a huge toll on my body and make it extremely difficult for my boyfriend to stop me from hurting myself.
I get where they're coming from but it is so frustrating to know that my body doesn't have to go through all that after a seizure if I just had the proper meds.
I just don't know what to do. Is there anyone at all who's gone through this?