Is my bf possibly experiencing seizures?

Very randomly he (29M) gets pretty bad sleep paralysis where he cant control his body so he lays there helpless until it starts what looks like spazzing and jerking. This has never happened while awake until today. We were out walking when all of a sudden his legs just give out from under him and he collapses to the floor. He gets up and I (29F) try holding him by the arm to get him back home because he's saying his legs feel weak and he needs help to keep him from falling. When we got home he sat down, his muscles were doing that jerking thing again, he couldn't keep his head up it just kept falling to the side and it was kind of hard understanding him because it was like even the muscles around his mouth were out of control.. The spastic movements really really look like a seizure, just maybe not as aggressive? Idk how to word it.

He's aware of his surroundings and what's happening, he's responsive to questions, he just seems helpless and like he has no control over his body.

Then suddenly after about 10 minutes he'll suddenly regain control and completely goes back to normal. It's so odd and terrifying to see the person you love go through.

I have been diagnosed epileptic for the past 5 years, with roughly 57 grand mal seizures under my belt. So I started worrying that maybe this may be some sort of seizure? I'm confused and I feel useless because I have no idea how to help him.

Just looking for some insight and thoughts about this.