Avoid Ragu pasta

To anybody planning on eating or working at Ragu pasta on George street, as a former employee, avoid at all costs, unless you want food poisining. They don't do any food safety training or even basic hand washing training, seem myself multiples times off chef's no washing hands, cross contaminating food as theyre to lazy to wash there utensils properly, drop food onto the kitchen floor and keep using it like nothing happened, one chef who just loves to cut the raw meat and never wash his hands, only wiping them on dishtowels, oh yea the fromt off house people who nring out your meals and take your plates away after, yea never once seen them wash there hands before picking up a new customers meal. This isnt a post as a disgruntled ex employee, but more to spread awareness on dirty buiness's like these that put people at risk

P.s iv already contacted the local authority with all this, but speaking to people who still work there, nothing has changed since there last inspection, if youve ever eaten here and felt dodgy or bad aftetwards, now you know why