How would you rank the New Era winner edits?

Just simply by how much you like how they were presented. Here’s my ranking. This isn’t about the editing of the overall seasons, just the winners’ storylines.

  1. Maryanne- This was an incredibly satisfying arc for her. It was a bit unconventional while still making sense. It was nice to see a growth arc in a winning format.

  2. Gabler- I liked the hiding-in-plain-sight approach to this one. It was completely unexpected but makes sense if you reflect on it. I don’t think we’ll get a meta approach like this in the near future, however.

  3. Dee- This edit was pretty conventional while not being too obvious (to the average viewer). It was solid.

  4. Kenzie- She wasn’t the main focus of the season, but I didn’t want her to be with everything else going on. It was a bit obvious, but that’s ok. I think some loose ends (with Ben for example) weren’t tied up as nicely as I’d want, though.

  5. Rachel- Her endgame stretch, while obvious, was exciting to watch as a coronation/test of strength. The rivalry with Genevieve was fun. I just wish I knew her better in the premerge (though the Andy stuff was good).

  6. Yam-Yam- This was way too clear and overexposed. It sapped any suspense from the season, and I was getting sick of him (and Tika 3) by the end.

  7. Erika- This was completely misguided in the approach. I like unconventional edits (see Gabler), but this is only satisfying if you place a lot of stock in the advantages and artificial drama. I don’t mind her not being the focus of the season since other elements were frankly more interesting. I just wanted something more.