Alright everybody, enough about brackets. I need some good old fashioned EDH discussion. What’s the most fun deck you’ve brewed recently? What has been an absolute blast to play?

I’ll start:

I played a new [[Nine-Fingers Keene]] deck for the first time and it slaps. It’s mostly just a classic landfall good stuff deck but with gates thrown in and boy does it do its thing well. Very consistent and fun.

I finally built some mono white and mono red deck since I’ve strayed away from those and I’m really excited to play them. I built a [[Darien, King of Kjeldor]] deck with as many janky artifacts that hurt myself as I could find. Cards like [[copper tablet]] and [[Dingus staff]] which never get run. I’ve also got some hilarious synergies in this deck like picking myself with [[stuffy doll]] and running all of the [[nomads en-kor]] style cards. Crown jewel of the deck is running [[Urborg, tomb of Yawgmoth]] in the deck with cards like [[karma]] and [[royal decree]]. The deck is a jank fest but I’m stoked to play it.

What decks are y’all excited about?? What cool things are you brewing up? What has been a blast to play recently?