Why do people hate mill?
I started playing magic about 4 months ago and have had loads of fun to brew and theory craft different decks. But one thing I have noticed is that million seems like a pretty disliked archetype and I cannot for the love of god understand why. As a longtime heartstone player I understand that some people can get salty by mill but there are some crucial differences.
Most notably milled cards go to the graveyard. There are like a million ways to get things back from the yard. If someone is afraid to mill a combo piece all they have to do is run some recursion. And even if you do mill something it's most likely a land. Whenever I mill a card in heartstone I treat it as being on the bottom of my library. Except in magic it's almost like a pseudo draw If you consider all the ways to acces the cards.
And what's even more baffling id how bad(?) mill seems. If you ever play like any golgari deck all you do is fueling the player until maybe the 10 kast cards. That combined with any edlrazi titan hard countering the entire archetype plus edh requring you to mill something like 270 cards to win makes this like an absurd archetype to hate.
I even think it sounds fun to play against. It's like playing with a ticking time bomb making every draw one step closer to death.