Rat deck for casual and beginnger?
Looking for some help on making a budget and casual friendly rat deck, or just like any budget friendly rat decks anyone knows. Ive been seeing that Karumonix the Rat King is a good card, ashcoat and marrow gnawer. I don't mind spending some money but definitely on a budget. A lot of things i see are easily 500+ and as a beginner with my friends these decks seem way out of our league in terms of cost and just like casual playing. Even if its just like a commander deck that you can buy at a store ( i didnt see any rat ones ) . https://edhrec.com/deckpreview/idY9bX7jEVG-7vigBw0L-A . Posting this because the subreddit requires me to post a deck but honestly im pretty lost. Any advice / help for a rat deck would be greatly appreciated as a newbie getting into MTG. Thanks a lot