Variant: 1st kill ends the game
I recently proposed a variant rule to my playgroup: the first player to eliminate someone in commander wins and the game ends immediately.
The results have actually been great for the game and feel like they solve several issues I had with the format:
nobody sitting around eliminated waiting ages for the rest of the table
you actively protect the weaker players if you can't kill them yourselves because you don't want someone else to kill them and take the win
you assess threats differently, into 'who can I kill' vs 'who else might kill them' which makes the dynamics more interesting
more games per evening!
aggro strategies, Etrata etc are more viable, and in general it seems to merge some of the play patterns of 1v1 magic with the shenanigans of commander
people build their decks a little differently to make sure they have a bit more interaction, early plays etc which is good for the table
I'd love to see people try this and hear how it goes for them!